How to do it | takes 3 – 10 minutes
Beautiful Things Audio
Beautiful Things Text
Step 1: Choose a comfortable sit spot location and allow yourself some time to feel relaxed and settled in.
Find a place that has some diversity. An area near plants, close to the water source or somewhere with a view of the sky or weather. Look for wilder spaces look for ‘edges’ such as streams, coast, large trees, or areas where plants join open space. Find 5 things that are beautiful to you.
Step 2: They can be things you see, hear, taste, smell of feel.
Stay in your sit spot as long as you feel comfortable but aim for 5 – 10 minutes and remember to use all your senses. A good guide in length of time is being there long enough for the birds and animals to forget you are there.
For a variation look for things smaller than your hand!
When choosing a location remember to:
- Be safe and keep your eye out for any potential hazards and think about your privacy and choose a place you will feel comfortable sitting.