Researching Nature-Wellness Solutions
A Living Lab Nature-Wellness Research Program was established with Macquarie University in early 2020 to further understand how to supercharge the mental, physical and social benefits of connecting with nature.
The once in a century COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the fore the importance of outdoor environments to human health and ecological health. Despite increasing recognition, the synergetic relationship between human-ecological health is still to fully translate into programs, policy and planning. Such strategies present new and exciting opportunities to re-think and re-purpose the role and value of greenspaces as a preventative healthcare service.
The collaboration between The Connective and Macquarie University is undertaking a range of research activities that look to amplify the health and wellbeing benefits of outdoor greenspaces, including:
- conducting a national survey to better understand how Australians use and value their outdoor places
- exploring the role and application of medical green scripts within an Australian setting and
- developing and testing established practical nature-based programs that look to actively amplify health outcomes (e.g. our Go Slow for a Mo’ Trails)
The findings of the Living Lab can be applied to all types of greenspaces, from pocket parks through to national parks, hospitals, workplaces and places of learning.
Watch our short video to learn more about how students are reacting to our Go Slow for a Mo’ trails on campus!
“I personally came away with an increased appreciation of the incredible power that nature can have on my wellbeing – lowering my stress levels, increasing relaxation. It had a profound effect on me and I would encourage anyone to just try it.”
Medical Student Participant
To learn more about our Go Slow for a Mo’ Trails or Living Lab research, please CONNECT.