Connecting Nature Connection Activities in Australia (Report)

Connecting Nature Connection Activities in Australia

The Connective worked with Claire Colahan, Research Internship, Master of Environmental Management, University of NSW Sydney the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute and the IUCN #NatureForAll to support the development of the Connecting Nature Connection Activities in Australia Report.

Connecting people with nature to foster enduring environmentally-sensitive behaviour has become a recent focus of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), through its global #NatureForAll movement that strives to connect people with nature, especially those who may not otherwise do so.

The purpose of this research project was to survey nature connection efforts in Australia,with the aims to:

  • Showcase the extent and range of nature connection activities in Australia
  • Build the nature-connection community of practice in Australia
  • Inspire others to participate and collaborate

In doing so, this report provides insights into the nature connection work occurring within Australia, including for whom they are being run, their key activities and the outcomes they are seeking. A total of 184 nature connection efforts across Australia were identified during a six-week survey period. The survey link remains open to allow further nature connection projects to continue to be recorded beyond the brief timeframe of this study.

A report by Claire Colahan, Research Internship, Master of Environmental Management, University of NSW Sydney the Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute and the IUCN #NatureForAll campaign

Download Connecting Nature Connection Activities in Australia Report here.

Report citation: Colahan C.and Chapple R. 2019. Connecting Nature Connection Activities in Australia.Report for the Blue Mountains World Heritage

Thanks are extended to colleagues in Australia, especially Waminda Parker (Co-Founder of The Connective), for access to their networks in undertaking this research.